My family has grown too. Pictured are Brecca and Sage, two Lionhead bunnies I adopted in October 2017 as a birthday present to myself. .

Hard to believe Avery Faith is now five years old, hardly the kitten shown in the photo. She is still my muse, though, and active in every writing process.

                             My helpers pictured at right: Pepper, Muldoone and Kryshnah


Sage & Brecca bunnies

Avery Faith, the unofficial writer's muse

Colin, nearly six months old in this photo. He just had his third birthday! He is a hulking 14 pound boy.

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 I have really let my blog go into decay for most of this year. My excuse is it just happens to be that one thing that seems to fall to the bottom of the priority list. When I have writing for deadlines, edits on a deadline, articles on a deadline, and reviews all on deadlines, non-deadline things like update blog and website are destined to fall down the list. It's a sad fact of life. 

And what is exceptionally sad is the file of ideas I have for blog posts. So many ideas sit in a file... 

But my second-half-of 2020 goal is to return to regular posts on the dusty old blog. I'd like to bring more of the 'Been Thinking About..." feature which, trust me, I'm always thinking about something or another. I would like to post some book reviews if I ever get to read for pleasure again. And as time allows, I'd love to invite authors back to turn them loose on the blog for some shameless promo of their works. Maybe I can even have a few character interviews again, it's been a while since my characters took over the blog. That would be fun again.

So stay tuned, and hope, that once I wrap up a few big, large-item projects, I can bring the blog, and regular clean up of the website too, up on my priority list.